Top Talent JV Mastermind helps businesswomen move forward, together

Trying to go it alone? 

“Bad idea,” simply stated Isabel Fagan, founder of Talent Support Services and owner of

Instead, Fagan is hosting communities where people can connect, collaborate and create –together.

It starts with a team effort, and Fagan – along with her husband David T. Fagan, the former CEO of Guerrilla Marketing – have built a media conglomerate that includes Top Talent Publishing, Top Talent Magazine and Top Talent Speaks. But for Isabel Fagan, the synergy and “secret sauce” comes from her Top Talent Joint Venture Mastermind

“It’s the ecosystem of our clients, strategic partners and industry experts that gives us our growth advantage” said Fagan. 

JVs – explained

So, what is a joint venture, also known as JV or JVs? Essentially, it’s when two or more people or organizations come together to share resources, contacts, costs and outcomes of various projects.

Isabel Fagan helps women connect, grow their businesses.
Isabel Fagan helps women connect, grow their businesses.

One example is the latest bestselling book “Women Gone Wild: The Feminine Guide to Fearless Living” by Rhonda Swan and 21 other women co-authors, including Fagan. Together, the women shared the writing responsibility – each crafting a chapter for the book, as well as sharing the costs to successfully launch it. This JV helped make the book a No. 1 Amazon bestseller in multiple categories.

Fagan said she was honored to not only write a chapter, but to also host the launch of the book during one of her Top Talent JV events, where hundreds of participants helped support the new release by buying the book and promoting it through their social media accounts. 

Still, cross-promotional efforts, referral marketing and professional alliances are nothing new in the business world; however, the latest evolution of joint ventures is proving to be a game changer for many.

Both joint venture and mastermind events have primarily been driven by entrepreneurs and small business owners. Even Fast Company, a leading business media brand, included a new award category for JVs that Fagan’s organization is competing for. 

Fagan explained the mastermind concept. “It’s kind of like a think tank,” she said. “Masterminds or masterminding itself is what most often leads to a more official and specific joint venture.” 

Entrepreneurs and small business owners often enter into joint ventures by holding events together, launching products or even investing together.

Fagan’s Top Talent JV Mastermind events tripled in size during the COVID-19 pandemic, when people longed to connect, collaborate and create together. Fagan said it’s not unusual to have more than 20 countries on five continents joining her online JV Zoom sessions with some people literally staying up through the night in their part of the world just to participate. 

These days, online masterminds and JV sessions are driving business synergy as physical distancing requirements continue to limit in-person meeting and collaboration.

Strength in numbers

Fagan said she is discovering women and other minority groups are finding strength in numbers by combining forces to accomplish more together than they would on their own.

For example, Top Talent JV Mastermind has boasted over 70% women in attendance at every event over the last 18 months. And Top Talent’s JV Facebook group includes a membership of thousands who interact regularly. Such online opportunities make it easier for people to share information about their projects – and more.

Joining a group of like-minded doers is “the only way to go,” according to Fagan, reflecting on the African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.” As she knows so well, joining forces with others is a best business practice, you might even say it’s how we move forward, together.

Isabel Donadio

Owner of Talent Support Services

Isabel Donadio-Fagan is the Founder of Talent Support Services, LLC, DBA Top Talent Agency that includes,,,, is the best selling author of Finishing is Happiness: 7 Ways Big Idea Entrepreneurs Can Become Big Business Finishers, Co-Author of Women Gone Wild: The Feminine Guide to Fearless Living and Becoming Significant: How to Invoke Sacred Words That Unlock Real Power, and the winner of the 2019 TWC Most Outstanding Rising Star Award.

She’s regularly featured in the media including everything from the Los Angeles Tribune, USA Today and Forbes. Her experience includes red-carpet interviewing, magazine publishing, best seller book publishing, and public speaking. Isabel specializes in content creation, authority marketing, and talent management.

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