[blur]I’m a big idea entrepreneur that has learned to execute. You can do the same and it starts with a thought process or checklist that will open-up a world of wisdom that you need in order to become a better finisher. This world is comprised of 4 T’s and they are:
- Talent – Ask yourself, “Do I have the talent necessary to accomplish the tasks at hand?” If not, you might ask, “Can I develop enough talent to do the tasks at hand?” Assessing your talent is being realistic and honest with yourself about what this goal is going to take to accomplish it.
- Training – Ask yourself, “Do I have the training required to accomplish the tasks at hand?” If not, you might ask, “Can I easily get the training necessary to accomplish the tasks at hand?” Assessing your training is also a realistic and honest part of the process.
- Tools – Ask yourself, “Do I have the tools and technology required to complete the tasks at hand?” If not, you might ask, “Can I easily get the tools necessary to accomplish the tasks at hand?” Knowing what you will need in order to have success is paramount in the process of determining the details that are oh so important.
- Team – Ask yourself, “Do I have the team needed to accomplish the tasks at hand?” If not, you might ask, “Can I get some good people helping and supporting me?” Knowing even a small list of people that are qualified to help you in various areas as a part of your path to accomplishing your goal(s) is vital.
So many times, your reluctance happens because there is just so much you don’t know. These questions will lead you to empowering outcomes when you find the answers. These answers will take you from goal reluctance to goal confidence.
Ask a new person to hop on the phone and start making sales calls for you and you will get some very funny looks. You will literally be able to cut the tension with a knife as their anxiousness hangs in the air as visible as steam from a hot shower.
Now tell them what you sell, the problem that your product or service solves along with some features, actions and benefits. You will see the color more likely return to their face. Show them a list of frequently asked questions and how you would answer them. Then role play it all out with them a few times.
The reluctance to make a phone call will more likely be replaced by confidence because they know what they are talking about and what to expect.
Sometimes we just learn by experience from the different situations and conversations we have that give us the feeling of knowing what to expect.
It’s the same for almost anything and anyone. Knowing what to expect is expecting confidence in the process.
The idea here is to really know what you have to work with, what you may still need, and how to put even more of the odds in your favor of success.
(Excerpt from Chapter 4 of my Best Selling Book Finishing Is Happiness which is available on Amazon for on $0.99)[/blur]
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Isabel Donadio
Isabel Donadio-Fagan is the Founder of Talent Support Services, LLC, DBA Top Talent Agency that includes TopTalentPublishing.com, TopTalentMag.com, TopTalentJV.com, TopTalentMembership.com, is the best selling author of Finishing is Happiness: 7 Ways Big Idea Entrepreneurs Can Become Big Business Finishers, Co-Author of Women Gone Wild: The Feminine Guide to Fearless Living and Becoming Significant: How to Invoke Sacred Words That Unlock Real Power, and the winner of the 2019 TWC Most Outstanding Rising Star Award.